How are Agriculture and Climate Change Linked?
Nearly 80% of the world’s poor live in rural areas and rely on agriculture for their food and livelihoods. Climate change has disproportionate effects on small and family farmers, who produce a third of the world’s food. Many farmers see firsthand the impacts of extreme weather events, such as storms and heatwaves, as well as slow-moving events like soil erosion, rising temperatures, and changes in water supply – resulting in a decline in agricultural productivity, the nutritional value of crops, food security, and livelihoods.
While agriculture is a significant contributor of greenhouse gas emissions, it is also highly susceptible to the effects of climate change. Investments in agriculture must go towards sustainable and climate-resilient practices that reduce the climate footprint, strengthen farmers’ resilience, and increase food production to meet current and future demand.
GAFSP Climate BriefRaising the Ambition on Addressing Climate Change

Scaling Up Climate Action
Almost half of GAFSP’s public sector financing, totaling US$563 million, support climate adaptation (48%) and mitigation (8%) efforts. Since 2017, all public sector projects have included climate co-benefits.

Expanding the Portfolio
GAFSP has a long history of funding climate-resilient interventions, with roughly two-thirds of public sector projects contributing to adaptation or mitigation co-benefits. We are committed to include an even broader range of climate approaches.

Accelerating Our Focus
GAFSP is accelerating its climate focus to build stronger, more sustainable agriculture and food systems – with future projects aligning with national climate plans and integrating wider climate principles, such as agroecology.