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| Impact Stories

How Investing in Women Is Building Resilience in Senegal

"Before the project, we spent a good part of the night in search of water, now this constraint is removed." Hear about the impact of GAFSP-funded projects on the lives of women farmers in Senegal.
| Videos

Making a Difference for Farmers in Bangladesh

Watch the video to see the impact of the IFC-supported investment.
| News

AFA Delegates Participate in the 8th Global Meeting of the Farmers’ Forum

The Farmers’ Forum is a bottom-up dialogue on rural development and poverty reduction between farmers’ organizations, the International Fund for Agricultural Development and governments.
| Impact Stories

In Haiti, Private Sector Links Are Boosting Farmer Incomes

Smallholder farmers in the country are provided high-quality seeds alongside training in modern planting and harvesting techniques for growing high-end produce. Providing farmers direct access to formal markets reduces their exposure to the risks associated with traveling to informal markets farther away.