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A Real Change for Farmers in Zambia

"Everyone goes to the fields. That's the work we do," says Janet Kanyolo, farmer and livestock owner from Chibobo, Zambia. Watch the video to learn about the impact of GAFSP's project on her work.
| Impact Stories

Forging a Collective Response to a Global Food Security Crisis in 2024

In this Q&A with GAFSP Leadership, we talk about the achievements of the program, future priorities and what needs to change to build the resilience of smallholder farmers and food systems in the world’s poorest countries.
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GAFSP's Transformative Impact Spotlighted in the 2023 Trust Fund Annual Report

From enhancing agricultural resilience in Burkina Faso to catalyzing cooperative farming networks in Ethiopia, GAFSP's transformative initiatives are shaping sustainable development.
| Impact Stories

Growing Macadamia Nuts for Malawi’s Future Generation

A three-year IFC advisory project supported nearly 3,000 small-scale macadamia nut farmers.
| Impact Stories

Linking Farmers to Markets and Adapting to a Food Crisis in Bangladesh

When the GAFSP-supported national farmers’ organizations network Sara Bangla Krishak Society (SBKS) received the prestigious 2023 FAO Achievement Award, the news was received with gratitude and hope by members.
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Niraj H. Shah Visits the Macademia Nuts Field in Malawi

Niraj H. Shah Visits the macadamia nuts field in Malawi, supported through GAFSP's private sector window advisory project.
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FAO and Ministry of Finance Partner to Improve Food and Nutrition Security in Bangladesh

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Economic Relations Division, Ministry of Finance in Bangladesh have signed four agreements on to support the country in its efforts to improve food and nutrition security.