IFC, agCelerant and Bank of Africa Partner to Boost Rice Production in Senegal
To boost rice production and enhance food security in Senegal, IFC has announced a partnership with agCelerant and Bank of Africa to help smallholder farmers and small businesses in Senegal's rice value chain more easily access financing for growth.
Working Together to Build Resilient Food Systems
The Global Agriculture and Food Security Program is a multilateral financing platform dedicated to improving food and nutrition security worldwide. Learn more about our value-add and what makes us the partner of choice.
Why Channeling Investment to Smallholders Across Africa Is Key for a Resilient Future
From conflict to climate change, communities across Africa are fighting crises on multiple fronts. And now, amid rising global costs, low growth projections and rising insecurity, these crises are set to deepen.
WFP and Cambodian Partner Launch US$3 Million Innovative Project to Support Smallholder Farmers
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the Cambodian Agriculture Cooperative Corporation (CACC) are launching a new project targeting smallholder farmers in the country’s north-eastern province.
Empowering Farmers’ Organizations for the Future of Agriculture in Bangladesh
Recognizing their power to transform rural communities, FAO and GAFSP have been working with farmers' organizations in Bangladesh for many years.
Putting More Food on the Table Despite Crises
The agricultural sector is uniquely positioned to deliver triple wins for communities, supporting them to boost productivity and income generation, build resilience to the impacts of climate change, and reduce emissions through climate-smart farming.
For Donors, Global Food Crisis Takes Center Stage
James Catto, Director of International Development Policy at the United States Department of the Treasury spoke recently about the future of climate-smart agriculture, the challenges facing the international development community, and why he’s excited to join GAFSP as the newly appointed Chair of the Donor Committee.
Increasing Access to Farmer Finance Through ‘Fintech’
"The introduction of the software is part of the digital revolution that will help to accelerate increased efficiencies in the agricultural sector in Bangladesh, boosting productivity and profits."
Training for Women Farmers Boosts Opportunity—and Ambition
“I learned not to shy away from ideas that will improve the status of my family,” Seraphine Uwitonze said. “I never thought I was capable and now I know that I am.”
New IFAD- and GAFSP-funded project to scale up successful approaches to increasing food and nutrition security and increase small-scale farmers’ incomes in Lao PDR
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Government of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic signed an agreement for a nutrition-sensitive agriculture project to address food insecurity and malnutrition among the rural poor.
Stories from the Kyrgyz Republic
"There used to be a 50% loss of water. Now we are delivering almost 95-100% of the necessary water to farmers," says Arapbai Kamarov, framer and director of the Khodja Arik Water User Association.
GAFSP Provides New Funding for Countries to Strengthen the Resilience of Smallholder Farmers
USD$220 million in new agricultural investment grants for 15 countries announced by GAFSP, a global multilateral fund dedicated to reducing food insecurity and poverty in low-income countries.