GAFSP Scales Up Catalytic Finance for Underserved Agricultural Entrepreneurs in Low-Income Countries
See our brief on the new GAFSP Business Investment Financing Track Pilot.
Le GAFSP Ouvre un Guichet de Financement de 75 Millions de Dollars Destiné à Mobiliser des Investissements Privés en Faveur d'Entreprises Agricoles à Fort Potentiel
Créé dans le cadre du Programme mondial pour l'agriculture et la sécurité alimentaire (GAFSP), le BIFT vise à promouvoir des systèmes agroalimentaires inclusifs, climato-intelligents et nutritifs dans les pays les plus pauvres et vulnérables.
GAFSP Launches $75 Million Financing Window to Mobilize Private Investment into High-Potential Agricultural Entrepreneurs
The Business Investment Financing Track (BIFT), a new window within the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP), aims to bolster inclusive, climate-smart, and nutritious food systems in the poorest and most vulnerable countries.
El GAFSP Lanza una Oportunidad de Financiamiento de USD 75 Millones para Movilizar la Inversión Privada hacia los Emprendedores Agrícolas con Potencial Elevado
La Vía de Financiamiento de Inversiones Empresariales (BIFT), una nueva oportunidad dentro del Programa Mundial para la Agricultura y la Seguridad Alimentaria (GAFSP), tiene como objetivo impulsar sistemas alimentarios nutritivos, inclusivos e inteligentes desde el punto de vista climático en los países más pobres y vulnerables.
How GAFSP Is Improving Food and Nutrition Security
See our newest brief and learn how GAFSP is improving food and nutrition security in the world's poorest and most vulnerable countries.
Empowering Farmers in Zambia for a Brighter Future
Learn more about a GAFSP project, which delivered 6000 chickens and provided care training for the farmers in Zambia, triggering a sharp drop in livestock mortality.
Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at a G20 Ministerial Meeting on the Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty
"As the United States continues to prioritize the fight against hunger and poverty, we remain supportive of the goals of the Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty."
In Senegal, GAFSP's Food Security Support Project Changes Lives of Farmers
"This farm completely changed my life," says Modou Diop, President of the Velingara Tall Farm in Louga Region, Senegal.
Partnership for Improved Seed and Nutrition in Bangladesh
The video highlights a recent partnership between the PO partner, Sara Bangla Krishak Society (SBKS), and several banks and government organizations. The partnership centres around seed security and nutrition—and the impact of farmers working in partnership rather than facing challenges alone.
How Business Can Account For Food Loss to Drive Food Security
How can increased food availability and reduced food loss be achieved? Listen to a conversation with IFC’s Ahmad Slaibi, The Carbon Trust’s Tom Cumberlege and Innovation Forum’s Ian Welsh introducing IFC's new food loss tool.
Introducing IFC's Food Loss Climate Impact Tool
Learn more about IFC's tool helping individuals and companies estimate emissions and food savings when food loss is reduced.
From Farm to Classroom - Growing Minds, Growing Markets
The Gambia Agriculture and Food Security Project is bolstering the productivity and nutritional value of community food systems and paving the path to new ambitions among future generations.