About the Project
The main aim of the project is to enhance sweet potato production and consumption while bolstering the resilience of small-scale producers and processors within the project areas. Specifically, the overarching goal is to fortify the capacity and resilience of the Soroti Sweet Potato Producer and Processors Association in Uganda, enabling it to effectively respond to crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. This involves enhancing food, nutrition, and income security for its members by focusing on processing, adding value to products, and advocating for sustainable and profitable sweet potato-based innovations. Additionally, the project seeks to establish links to markets, financial support, and weather insurance across six key districts: Katakwi, Serere, Soroti, Bukedea, Ngora, and Amuria.
Drawing from the expertise of various entities such as the Uganda Multi-Sectoral Food Security and Nutrition Project (UMFSNP), the International Potato Center (CIP), and the Development and Delivery of Biofortified Crops at Scale project initiated by the World Food Programme, this project aims to build upon the Agriculture Cluster Development Project’s (ACDP) ongoing value chain development efforts.

- Uganda

Project Status
Under Preperation
Supervising entity
- World Bank

Call Year
GAFSP Funding Amount
Franklin Mutahakana
Joseph Oryokot