About the Project
This project aims to promote the economic inclusion of small-scale farmers through the promotion of modern and sustainable agriculture techniques that will enhance productivity and competitiveness, and provide a reliable income for rural populations, ultimately enhancing household food security and nutrition. Connecting smallholder producers to consumers through a school-feeding component, this project will also make an important investment in the country’s human capital development, by providing nutritious meals to school-aged children.
The different activities seek to equip farmer households with the necessary skills, knowledge and inputs to adopt improved livelihood strategies which will lead to improved livelihood outcomes such as enhanced agricultural production, improved income, enhanced household food security and individual nutrition and reduced vulnerability. This effort to enhance the agricultural value chain by developing necessary infrastructure will leverage and strengthen local partnerships and work towards an improved enabling environment. Altogether, these improvements will feed back into the livelihood asset base of targeted households, and ultimately contribute to improved and sustainable livelihoods.

- Guinea-Bissau

Project Status
Supervising entity
- AfDB

Call Year