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Three ways women are breaking the mold
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For Cocoa Farmers, Cooperative Training Tastes Sweet
"We were producing 5,000 tons for a turnover of 5 billion CFA and today we are over 8,200 tons of cocoa with a turnover of over 11 billion CFA."
Laos: Strategic Support for Food Security and Nutrition Project
"We now know how to prepare proper meals, cook a variety of foods, and eat diversified dishes," said Nalee, a resident of Tardmoune Village in Laos.
Channelling funds directly to farmers is critical for food system transformation
Around the world, food insecurity is on the rise. At the same time, communities are battling crises on multiple fronts - from the impacts of climate change to conflict and the pandemic aftermath.
Kubwimana records increased yield after turning to greenhouse farming
"For a farmer practicing open-air cultivation, the greenhouse technology is a blessing considering the yield size," says Kubwimana Jean Paul, a farmer from Karongi District.