About the Project
Agriculture is fundamental to Kenya’s overall economic growth. About 80% of the population lives in rural areas and derives its livelihoods largely from agriculture. Smallholder agriculture dominates the sector contributing 75% of the crops and livestock production. Farmers typically do not have access to agricultural inputs, like high-quality seeds, and have limited access to improved technology and markets. Kenya’s agriculture is largely rainfed, and often the quantity and reliability of rainfall have not been adequate to sustain crop production, leading to pervasive food insecurity. An estimated half of the population lacks year-round access to adequate food, and one in four children is estimated to suffer from stunted growth and chronic undernutrition.
SIVAP increases incomes, food security, and nutrition along the agriculture value chain by raising agricultural productivity and improving agricultural market access for poor and marginalized communities in 11 counties in arid and semi-arid regions. The project intends to increase the productivity of traditional high-value crops and small livestock by constructing new and rehabilitating existing irrigation schemes. The project also supports post-harvest processing and value addition by promoting agro-processing businesses and improved storage, access to finance and credit through local farmers’ organizations, and youth groups, and registered women’s groups. Constructing rural roads and market outlets will strengthen market linkages between farmers, processors, rural and urban consumers, and export markets.

- Kenya

Project Status
Supervising entity
- AfDB

Call Year
GAFSP Funding Amount
Thus far, SIVAP has benefitted 896,746 people, 520,113 of whom are women. As a result of project activities, 27,890 metric tons of crop farm produce are under improved post-harvest management, 78 producer-based organizations are stronger, 118,895 people have received improved nutrition services and products, and 84,278 smallholders have received support. As a result, production has improved on 978 hectares of land and has yielded 80,500 metric tons of livestock farm produce. Infrastructure improvements include 273.2 kilometers of roads constructed or rehabilitated and 11 post-harvest agro-processing and quality control facilities installed.
Onesmus Maina
Philip Boahen
Elizabeth Kamau