| Impact Stories
Towards Green, Resilient, and Inclusive Agriculture Development in Nepal
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Making Fish Big Business in Northern Lao PDR
Thirty-nine-year-old Xienginphone Phengthavong is a typical smallholder farmer from the village, growing rice as the main staple food, cultivating vegetables in the home garden, and raising fish in his fishpond, all for household consumption.
Harvesting Inclusion in Honduras: Improving Food Security & Livelihoods for Persons with Disabilities
PROSASUR in Honduras increases the availability of quality food and the incomes of poor rural people in order to improve nutrition and reduce child stunting. The project has made significant progress on social inclusion, and for the first time in the country, has developed an approach to ensure disability inclusion.
GAFSP Announces Plans for New Call for Proposals
GAFSP will launch a Call for Proposals in the early Fall to provide much-needed grants to fill financing gaps in country-led programs.
Insight Series: Investing from Farm to Table to Feed the Future
Sr. Don Mariano Jiménez Talavera, former Honduran Ambassador & Permanent Representative to the Rome-based Agencies, gives his insight on working with the GAFSP. He explains why investing in agriculture is more critical now than ever before and how planning in the long-term, together with communities, can help us build resilience to future crises.