Trustee Report (June 2022)
Trustee Report on Financial Status of the GAFSP Public Sector WindowNinetieth Meeting (2022)
Executive Minutes from the Joint Steering and Donor Committee MeetingGAFSP: Progressing Climate Action
Investments in agriculture must be channeled towards reducing the vulnerability of smallholders and enhancing their resilience to shocks, to produce more and better food to meet future demand and reduce the global climate footprint.GAFSP Revised M&E Plan 2022 (Tier 2 and Tier 3 indicators)
French VersionTrustee Report (March 2022)
Trustee Report on Financial Status of the GAFSP Public Sector WindowChanging Lives
Insights into how investments made possible by the GAFSP Private Sector Window help change lives of farmers around the world.Edition 8 | January 2022